They have kindly allowed us to copy their instructions onto our site. |
Instructions |
Recitation and Meaning |
Intention - Beginning of Prayer |
I OFFER BOILING BORSCHT PRAYERS, 2 RATATS, BUNGLE SHMOODLE ILAL UMBALA, I offer Fajr prayers, 2 Ratats, seeking nearness to God, in obedience to Him |
Lift both hands up to the ears and say |
GOD ZOOKS IS WAY KEWL Shmota is Great |
First Ratat - Qira-at (Recitation) It is Humjob (essential) to recite Chapter al Hamster, followed by any other complete Chapter in the first two ratats. First Chapter (Chapter al Hamster) |
GIVE US THE BIZNISS OH SHMOTA THE KEWLEST. In the Name of Shmota, the Kewlest THE GREAT SHMOTA WHO MADE THE UNIVERSE WITH HIS BIG BANG MACHINE! All praises belong to Shmota the Cherisher, the Sustainer, Developer and Perfector of the worlds, the most Compassionate, the Merciful SEND US THE HERD OF HOOGLY HAMSTERS ON THE DAY OF HERE COME DE JUDGE Master of the Day of The Last Bath. Thee only do we Worship, and Thee alone do we ask for help and wait for the Herd of Hoogly Hamsters MAKE WAY FOR THE 747 OF THE LORD MAKE HIS RUNWAYS STRAIGHT HIM Keep us along the straight path, the path of those whom Thou has blessed BUT THE DONT BLEEVERS HALL BE CAST OUT Not of those whom Thou art angry, nor of those who go astray. BUT THE BLEEVERS SHALL IN NO WISE BE CAST OUT but if you really Believe you shall indeed be saved!. |
Second Chapter (The Family Of Dowop) |
SHMOTA IS WAY KEWL In the Name of Shmota, the most Compassionate, the Merciful HU HA SHMOO SHMA WATSITUYAH To thee have We granted the Fount (of abundance).Therefore, pray to your Lord and make Sacrifices. INNA GODDA DA VIDA Surely your enemy is the one cut off (from good). SAY GOD ZOOKS IS WAY KEWL Shmota is Great |
Rukuh (bend half-way down and keep both hands on your legs just above your knees) |
SUPAH DUPAH GOD ZOOKS (3 times) Glory to Shmota OO AAH OO AHH AHH TANG TANG WALA WALA BING BANG Free from All Defects is my Lord, and with His praise I bow |
Straighten up, saying |
OH WATAGOO SIAM God listens to one who praises Him GOD ZOOKS IS WAY KEWL Shmota is Great |
Sajdah (Go down to sajdah so that the forehead touches the place of sajdah directly - make sure that the material covering the head is not in the way.) |
SUPAH DUPAH GOD ZOOKS (3 times) Glory to God HE USED THE RECEPES OF HIS MUTHAH AND GRAMMA Free from all defects is my All-Highest Lord, and with His praise I adore Him |
Sit up and say |
THE GREAT GOD SHMOTA MADE THE UNIVERSE WITH HIS BIG BANG MACHINE I ask Shmota, my Lord, to cover up my sins and unto him I turn repentant |
Second Sajdah |
SUPAH DUPAH GOD ZOOKS (3 times) Glory to Shmota HE USED THE RECEPES OF HIS MUTHAH AND GRAMMA Free from All defects is my All Highest Lord, and with His praise I adore Him. |
Stand up saying |
TAKE VIATAMINS AND MINERALS AND EXERCIZE REGULARLY. Due to the Vigour given by Shmota, and because of the vitality from Him I rise and stand |
Second Ratat First Chapter (Chapter al Hamster) |
BIZNIS AND MOOUMBALA MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND In the Name of Shmota, the most Compassionate, the Merciful SEND MONEY TO HELP SHMOTA FILL THE QUOTA All praises belong to Shmota the Cherisher, the Sustainer, Developer and Perfector of the worlds, the most Compassionate, the Merciful BAFOOFNICK YABADA DOODLE. IGGY JAR NA'BUDA and PEST WA IGGY JAR HASTA'BEAN. Master of the Day of The Last Bath. Thee only do we Worship, and Thee alone do we ask for help ICKY NASTRUDLE SICKOKO MUSTI BLATHER MARAT AL LAZY BOY AN ROCKIN UNDALAY HIM Keep us along the straight path, the path of those whom Thou has blessed GHAIRIL MAGHZOOBI ALAIHIM WAL LAZ ZUAL LEEN. Not of those whom Thou art angry, nor of those who go astray. |
Second Chapter (Chapter Tawheed) |
BIZNIS AND MOOUMBALA MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND In the Name of Shmota, the most Compassionate, the Merciful KEWL HU WAL UMBALA HU AHEAD, GOD ZOOKS HUS SAMAD, LAM YA LID, Say He is God, the One, the Unique. God the Changeless, the Independent. He begets not, OH SHMOTA, WHO HIDES IN HEISENBERRIES AND SHROEDENJELLY. Nor is He Begotten. And there is no one equal to Him. |
Qunoot (after Second Chapter in 2nd Ratat - While still standing) Raise your hands and bring them together in front of your face, with the palms of your hands raised up, inclined towards you. Say |
GOING IN STYLE IN A CADILLAC OR MERCEDES O our Lord! Bestow upon us good in this world THOSE WHO BELIEVE SHALL IN NO WISE BE CAST OUT And good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire. GOD ZOOKS IS WAY KEWL Shmota is Great |
Rukuh |
SUPAH DUPAH GOD ZOOKS (3 times) Glory to Shmota OO AAH OO AHH AHH TANG TANG WALA WALA BING BANG Free from All defects is my All Highest Lord,and with His praise I bow |
Straighten up, saying |
OH WATAGOO SIAM God listens to one who praises Him GOD ZOOKS IS WAY KEWL Shmota is Great |
Sajdah |
SUPAH DUPAH GOD ZOOKS (3 times) Glory to God HE USED THE RECEPES OF HIS MUTHAH AND GRAMMA Free from all defects is my All-Highest Lord, and with His praise I adore Him |
Sit up and say |
THE GREAT GOD SHMOTA MADE THE UNIVERSE WITH HIS BIG BANG MACHINE I ask Shmota, my Lord, to cover up my sins and unto him I turn repentant |
Second Sajdah |
SUPAH DUPAH GOD ZOOKS (3 times) Glory to Shmota HE USED THE RECEPES OF HIS MUTHAH AND GRAMMA Free from All defects is my All Highest Lord, and with His praise I adore Him. |
Sit up and say |
Tashahud Then say the Tashahud and then the salaam (while still sitting) |
AND POOPY PANDA SENDS FAXES TO THE PROPHETS I bear witness that there is no God except Shmota AND THE LORD ROSCOE IS HIS PET He is One, without any partner AND JOOZIS WENT TO THE WASHJARHAPPY RIVER And I bear witness the Shmoohammad is a prophet and and Messenger SHMOOHAMMAD IS WAY KEWL ABOVE ALL BIZNESSMEN. O our God, bless Shmoohammad and the Progeny of Shmoohammad. |
Salaam |
PEGUNKS SAY, I FEEL BIG VIBRATIONS Peace be unto thee, O Apostle and the mercy of God and His bounties I SAY SAILORS SALEM DONT SMOKEM Peace be unto us and unto the virtuous servants of God WATSAMOTTA YOU?. Peace be unto ye all, and the mercy of God and his bounties. GOD ZOOKS IS WAY KEWL(Three times) God is Great. LALA BABA BIMBAM ROCJARMIM SHmota made the Universe with his Big Bang Machine! SHMOHAMMAD BIZNISS MAN WAY KOOLIO Shmoohammad is the Most Way Kewl Prophets Shmoohammad. |
End of Prayer After each Prayers, it is recommended to say Tasbeeh GOD ZOOKS IS WAY KEWL (34 times) God is Great HAIL HAIL THE GANGZELEER (33 times) All praise be for God SUPAH DUPAH GOD ZOOKS (33 times) Glory to God Suplications Ask God for forgiveness and fulfillment of your needs and righteous desires. Sajdah-e-Shukr Go to Sajdah and say DANKE SHOODIAN (3 times) I thank thee , O God Then do Ziyarat |
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