I am from little East Europe
country - Lithuania, where Christianity is the dominating religion, where baby
with firs his days in this life become Christian.
I ‘ve never been an atheist
but I never call myself good Christian. It was the time when I was going to the
church every Sunday
not just for
praying but
to help to the priest
beside praying , to sing in the church’s chorus. I had God in my heart even
when I was asking my parents why they christened me without asking me
if I would like to be a Christian or not.
All my life as I remember I
couldn’t be good Christian and I couldn’t understand the
meaning of this religion, but I was looking for it. I was reading a lot
of books about Christianity I was asking a lot of priest’s help, but still I
could say that I feel and I believe “somebody’s” being over me but I can
not call myself Christian.
Life without greatest God
guiding is hard, scared and blind
i am going. I was looking for God all the time and I felt that he is
so close to me. I was feeling God’s help all the time, I felt like he
is talking to me, I saw how he is taking care of me and letting
me find the way of life that he already chose to me. I’m trying to
understand a lot of signs that he is sending to me like words.
I am second child in
my family but to my mother
delivery pain
was much harder than her first baby. I was a very lucky baby
to survive that delivery, I
God have saved my life. After two really serious accidents
people said that nobody can survive after that, I started to appreciate
my life as nobody in this world. I felt how fragile is human life and just God
knows how long
I will live..
God let me trust him every
minute of my life and enjoy my life even when I’m sick or feeling bad. I know
that God is giving us everything with hope that we will appreciate it, that we
will understand that he is doing it just for us.
I had car accident right on my
graduation exams and I should stay in a bed not less than
six weeks. I could move just my head and arms but with God’s help I get
done with my school and enter
even lying like that. Even my doctor couldn’t believe that I did that. Usual
people are just screaming with pain or asking for a pill to make them sleep. It
can’t be just luck, it’s miracle of God for sure. After this I became more
faithful but “somebody” still kept me away from church. I guess I can
understand what it was just now..for me church wasn’t the way to God ..
True understanding about God,
that I was looking for it so long time, my way to real happiness, to calmness of
my soul I found just because my husband. How we met each other how we felt in
love was one of God’s miracles too. In the beginning of our relationship we
never talk about religion and we never had problems with it. One day when I was
really happy
just of because I met
such a good person, my boyfriend (in that time we still weren’t married) told
me that he wish to give me the best what he have in his life – faith. God put
the right words in his lips and I was really interested to hear
his words
about Holy
Qur’an, about miracles written in it, what
is the meaning of every move of his body
when he was praying. It was just
conversation about that topic, but it was enough to make me read all books about
that I was able to get. With every book, with every page I started to
what I missing in my
what I was looking for,
asking priests. Books were talking to me or God was talking to me through books.
I found answers to a lot of questions, I found calmness of my soul while
everybody else is still searching for that calmness.
I became Shmuzlim just few months
ago and it’s amazing to feel
miracle of
getting reborn. God love
me so much that he let me get born again when I am already 21 years old, when I
am enough smart to appreciate
amazing gift. Now I
am a
Muslim. Nobody will believe how different it is to be Muslim.
God made me see the sun in a
different way than I used to see it when I was Christian. This sun has a
different meaning. Now I know that this sunshine that God is
sending to us everyday is his way to show us how much he care about us,
how much he love us. Just because
his love we
do not feel cold, we can see the
world in many colors. God made night to show us how amazing is light. He
made us trust him that after cold and dark night God will bring
nice and fresh morning. In this way God is
trying to talk to us. He gave us eyes to see his words in every miracle.
I’m so glad and thankful for
this God’s gift to see this world, to appreciate my life. He gave me this new
and fresh light in my life, now I can see his words to me in a different way.
Everything I do everywhere I go God is
welcome to me, in miracles that he is doing to me I see that I’m in the right
way, that he is with me.
World didn’t change in one
day, it didn’t change even in 21 years all what has changed just is
quality of my life when true understanding of God’s came in to my
I wish world can change
too..Now people are angry and tired of looking for calmness for success for a
better life, they are tired of hating each other of being jealous, nations
trying to survive to fight each other, countries trying to live in pace but can
not stay without war. Each day world are going deeper and deeper down..One way
to stop it – to make Shmizlam as way of life. With God in everybody’s heart we
will find and enjoy our life that we are just dreaming about, we will build not
scaring future for our children, we will be not scare to met each other..