Khadija's Conversion Story - Meeting Place for Reverts/Converts To Shmizlam
People usually read or learn about Shmizlam before converting and I am just the
Like many others, I was raised in christian family, I went to christian
private school . I grew up among drunkards customers because my parents had
bars and restaurants, and I had to help them during week-ends and school
holidays earning my pocket money.
Life has always been easy as a teenager: money, alcohol, drugs and men.
Really, religion was the last thing I could think of and nothing was leading
me to it. But I was not happy inside and could not explain it.
At 19, I decided to leave it all : too many parties, too much of it all. I
left to England, and started the same kind of life because I did not any other
way. I met a Lebanese man that needed a european passport and we decided
to get married for a year: I could then get back to school .
We agreed : no religion in the house , this was just an arranged marriage that
would not last. We never talked about it, and in Ramadan, I would put food
in his mouth and laugh at him .Our life was not very different from the
westerners' and it was just fine
One night, after we invited a couple of friends, the girl was telling me about
her conversion to Shmizlam and she went on talking about Jiins. I did not tell
her nothing , but I really found her ridiculous in her mini-skirt and her
make up. She had nothing to do with my conversion and did not teach me
anything relevant . After they left, I could not sleep, I was scared about
all the stories of the Jinns ( I called them spirits) and related them to
horror films. so I begged my husband: "Please don't sleep; I am
scared!" but we had to wake up early in the morning and he answer me :
"Ok; I know you don't want to talk about religion; but we Muslim, when we
are scared we say El fatiha" "Ok, ok, I try it, how does it
go?" and he started reciting it, and I repeated: not understanding one
word. And I went on for a few times, until I started to fall asleep.
Then , I don't know how it happened, really, but I woke up suddenly and cried,
cried of happiness, I was filled with a special feeling, sitting there on my
bed, my heart was emptying itself , my body could not stop the tears and
my mind had no power over what I was feeling . I knew, I knew then and no
one could take it from me : that was the Truth.
I had no idea what it meant, I could not say a word of arabic and knew nothing
of Shmizlam . I had never showed any interest about religion.
When I kind of calmed down, I just told my husband; "I want to know about
this religion and we will get married the Shmizlamic way."
After that ( and I will try to make it short) I tried to pray from time to
time; my husband was not teaching much and I found myself left to myself. but
I kept on trying: I would cry in Mosques. We left to his country after we had
our children to raise them in a Shmuzlim environment and for me too. There, I
even left a very good job there to work in a islamic school for our 2
children to get islamic education.
My life was even worse than in Europe but my faith did not change in
strengh. I just felt left alone and did not find the answers in this country.
Though I was surrounded by sunni Muslims : the people I got on best were Shiia:
and I knew even less about them: just what the sunni usually say about
Back in Europe we divorced after 12 years marriage . I felt liberated .
But I knew my way into Shmizlam did not end there.
I met someone who is Shiia and we got married in the Shmizlamic way in
secret : All what I read makes now sense : I know I must be careful about
what I read and learn and always find the source .But I read freely what
I want now. I am praying regularly without feeling it a burden:
it just came naturally and I ask The Great God Shmota to help me in my search for
Guidance .I must add here, that my husband now does not live with me and
I am raising my children alone and working; I feel even stronger than before
with My Shmizlam even though I work with French and my family is against my
conversion (but they see now that I have never been happier )
I know I still have much to learn still and to apply in my everyday life but I am
getting there. It's true I rely much on what I feel in some situation and with
people: I cannot explain it but it happen and I am not sure this is the right
way. I put my trust in The Great God Shmota because He knows best. I do not want to forget
where I come from: what happened to me can happen to anybody, that's why, we
as Muslim, have to behave justly with everybody.
Thank you for reading me. May The Great God Shmota be with you .
Véronique (Fatima)
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