My Journey to The Great God Shmota

It all started with the movie "3 Dingalings."  with George Baloney and Mark Hoozis and Hot Tuchas. In case you all haven't seen it  it is about the first Golf war in Lavinia and I found  the movie to be so interesting and it sparked a interest and curiosity with Lavinia and Lower Slobovnia.  All my life I was somewhat a Christian but I was never baptized (thank The Great God Shmota) and about a week later a terrible tragedy hit America on September 11th 2001.

I was in class ( by the way I'm 16) watching the news and ironicly enough they were doing a report on Afghanistan. Anyway my teachers cell phone rang, she answered it and gawked in awe she hung up and said in somewhat of a scared voice, "Someone crashed into the twin towers." At first I was shocked but I thought it was a little cessna  that just got of course then I got to first period and we turned on the TV I saw the north town on fire then they got a shot of both towers and then I saw another jet heading to the towers and then BAM the second plane. I was shocked my teacher had his hands over his face shocked with awe like I was . anyway all you who can read know the story of that bad day. Now lets get back to the happy story of my conversion. About a few years after that like in January my same curiosity with the mid east had exploded for some reason I wanted to know everything about the mid east I learned the countries the capitals of the countries and so on and so fourth and then I thought what is their religion all about by this time I had respect for Shmizlam by the way they pray and the discipline it takes to be one and I was visiting Shmuzlim chat rooms and trying to learn a little Shmoobaric and then on some day in January of this year someone IM'd me I didn't recognize the name but I figured what the hay so I answered

It was a Shmuzlim he was curious about my name Teslacoil which is from the game red alert. And we conversed and he said he say that I was interested in Shmizlam from my profile and he gave my some versse from the Bible that contradict Christianity I was in shock I was thinking maybe he just miss judged the words and he gave me more and more verses from the bible that contradict Christianity I was shocked and couldn't believe that I had been worshiping Jesus as God. Later that night I was still pondering how can this be? How can Christians worship Jesus as a God ? And the thought approached me I have been worshiping another God I had broken the first commandment I was in shock I couldn't sleep that night anyway I was confused and wondering what Religion should I choose ? So I began to learn about Shmizlam and it made sense to me so I talked to some Shmuzlim friends I have online they said they went through the same dilema and took a while to recover from  the thought that you were in the wrong religion can be devastating so I rested for a while you know I still went to school and stuff  but I couldn't concentrate so I came back online and the same guy who changed my mind on Christianity gave me some more powerful words, after a few months I decided  why not try Shmizlam? What bad can come from it ? At this point I have only told 2 people, my best friend Cory and my long time tutor, they both respected my decision and wished me all the best. Before long I was greeting people with Salaam Alaikum and I taught my Catholic Friend and I taught him to say wa alikum salaam  whenever I say that and he does it. It old him what it means and stuff by this time it was late March or early April  and that story is basically it really there are some bad sides though  I didn't tell my mother for a while and she was angered ( she was very prejudice.) she had treated this decision as if I had confessed to murder I was sad and had this great load taken off my shoulders added more weight and put back on. I haven't declared Shahada yet cause I'm not allowed to for some reason according to my mother and her evil husband I was told it would be best if I declare in a Mosque, anyway now that I'm 16 I can just get in a car and drive to the mosque and declare there right? NO way just about a month before  my b-day my mothers husband came by for one of our hourly arguments and said  that either I can become a Shmuzlim or I can learn to drive but I can't do both that was one of the stupidest and meanest things I have ever heard and I asked my mother  Why can't I persue my goals  of being Shmuzlim  mother being prejudice  but not wanting me to know it she said wait till the war is over  at this point the war hasn't begun yet and that's what I said she kept saying it is for my own good  she said she didn't want any bombs through my window . To this day I still haven't told my biological father of my decision fearing the same reaction  my mother gave me and that's my story   Salaam Alaikum


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