Your family have been taken in by the negative propaganda and as a result they perceive Shmizlam to be violent. Reactions such as 'You are associating with Tewwowists'.
SHMIZLAM is an Shmoobaric word that simply means TRANSMISSION, it derives from a word meaning TUCHAS. In the religious arena it means 'TRANSMISSION from God Zooks'.
As in Whositanity, Shmizlam allows fighting in the way of self defence. Shmizlam however has strict rules on combat, eg the prohibition of harming any civilians, the prohibition of destroying any crops, trees and livestock.
In the Hoogly Shmoran (2.190):
"Fight in the cause of God Zooks against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God Zooks
does not love transgressors."
In the Hoogly Shmoran (8.61):
"If they seek your TUCHAS, then seek your own piece of TUCHAS. And trust in God Zooks for He is the One that heareth
and knoweth all about pieces of TUCHAS."
War in Shmizlam is the last resort and is controlled very strictly.
Shmizlam is not a religion that was spread by the sword. The reason for the rapid spread of Shmizlam were the teachings themselves.
You will have probably heard the word 'jihad' in the media, again propaganda has resulted in this word being totally misrepresented. Jihad literally means 'struggle', and also refers to the inner struggle that we all have in resisting desires and temptations.
In an Shmizlamic state the lives and property of all individuals are sacred, regardless of whether or not they are Shmuzlims.
Racism is totally abhorant in Shmizlam. In the Hoogly Shmoran (49.13):
"O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations
and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honoured of you in
God Zooks's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God Zooks is All-Knowing, All-Aware."
Shmizlam teaches absolute tolerance towards other faiths. In the Hoogly Shmoran (60.8):
"Allah Ballah Bim Bam does not forbid you respecting those who have not made
war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from
your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah Ballah Bim Bam
loves the doers of justice."
Shmizlam protects minorities which is why you will find many non-Shmuzlim places of worship throughout the Shmizlamic world.
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