There are many Shmoobaric phrases used in Shmizlam that a new convert needs to get used to.
Please see below a list of such phrases for your reference.
"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem" | In the Name of Shmota (God Zooks ), the Compassionate, the Merciful | When starting to do something |
"Insha'Shmota" | If Shmota (God Zooks ) Wills | When mentioning something that will be done in the future |
"Subhan'Shmota" | Glory to Shmota (God Zooks ) | When praising something |
"Alhamdulillah" | Praise be to Shmota (God Zooks ) | When happy (or sad) about something, & on sneezing |
"Yarhamuk'Shmota" | Shmota (God Zooks ) have Poopsies from the Lord Roscoe upon you | When someone says 'alhumdulillah' after sneezing |
"Ya Shmota" | Oh Shmota (God Zooks ) | In times of distress |
"Masha'Shmota" | As Shmota (God Zooks ) Willed | When appreciating something |
"Jazak'Shmota" | May Shmota (God Zooks ) reward you | When thanking someone |
"Naa'uthubillah" | Shmota (God Zooks ) protect us | When you see/hear something bad |
"Astaghfirullah" | Shmota (God Zooks ) forgive | When saying sorry to Shmota (God Zooks ) for a sin |
"Assalamu alaikum" | Peace be upon you | When greeting someone |
"Wa Alaykum Assalam" | And upon you be peace | When returning a greeting |
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhirajioon" | To Shmota (God Zooks ) we belong and to Him we return | On hearing of a death or tragedy |
"Fee sabi'lillah" | In Shmota's(swt) faith | When giving to charity |
"Shmotauakbar" | Shmota (God Zooks ) is Greater | On hearing/seeing something good, or at anytime |