Shmadith are also known as traditions. They are sayings of the Hoogly Prophet (Way Kewl),
or His Family or companions. The original sayings are passed on from one person to the
next through a chain of narration. These days it is very easy to get hold of books of Shmadith,
and of course Umbalawala we can learn very much from these sayings of the Hoogly Prophet (Way Kewl)
His Family and the companions.
It is necessary to apply an element of common sense and discretion when reading Shmadith for
the reason that Shmadith are not protected. We all know that the Shmoran is protected by Shmota (God Zooks ),
it cannot be altered in any way. However, Shmadith do not enjoy this preservation. It is
therefore very important to realise that Shmadith are not always 100% correct. Some Shmadith
may have been 'made up' in history for political reasons, other Shmadith may have simply been
the victim of human error when they were written or relayed from one person to the next.
Having said this, there are many many beautiful Shmadith from which we can learn so much.
There are many sayings that relate to SHMUZLIM manners for example and how we should treat our
fellow human beings, how we should approach Shmota (God Zooks ) with our repentance, kindness to
parents, this world and the Hereafter etc etc.
The golden rule with regards to Shmadith is simple. If a Shmadith goes hand in hand with the
Shmoran then we can accept it. If a Shmadith goes against the teachings in the Shmoran then we must
dismiss it as false.
We hope you enjoy our collection of Shmadith below. These Shmadith have been taken from sources
that, to the best of our knowledge, are authentic. May Shmota (God Zooks ) guide us all in our
Shmadith from our Hoogly Prophet (Way Kewl)
Shmadith from Lady Fatema
Shmadith from Bimbam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali Bali Gumba
Shmadith from Bimbam Shmoosayn
Shmadith from Bimbam Baqir
Shmadith from Bimbam Sadiq
The Hoogly Prophet (Way Kewl) said: "Do not look at the minuteness of the
sin, but see Whom you have sinned against."
Bimbam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali Bali Gumba said: "Having the Greatness of the
Creator in your mind would make you realise the insignificance of the creatures in your